2024 Natrona County Master Gardeners Farmers Market
Sat, Jul 27
|Agricultural Resource & Learning Center
Are you a Wyoming producer looking for an opportunity to sell your vegetables, fruit, bakes goods and more? Reserve your booth space today!

Time & Location
Jul 27, 2024, 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Agricultural Resource & Learning Center, 2011 Fairgrounds Rd, Casper, WY 82604, USA
About the event
Welcome to the Natrona County Master Gardeners 2024 Farmers Market!
- Dates & Times - Every Saturday from July 27th - Sept 28th from 7am-12.
- Place - Agricultural Resource & Learning Center (ARLC), 2011 Fairgrounds Rd, Casper, WY
- Cost - $10 per booth space each Saturday
- Booth Details (see map on "ticket selection" screen)
- Each booth is approximately 10' across in marked locations of the parking area surrounding the ARLC
- If your display area requires more than one booth, you may rent additional space, up to a maximum of six booths
per vendor. (when selecting your booth space on the next page hold down the "shift" key to select multiple
- Payment Options
- Online: To guarantee desired booth space, register and pay online
- Online/Mail: Register for your booth space online, select "Manual Payment" at checkout to mail check
- Mail: Registration form and payment (booth selection can not be guaranteed)
(Mail: Natrona County Master Gardeners, 2011 Fairgrounds Rd, Casper, WY 82604)
- By Phone: Call Rose at the UW Extension Office (307) 235-9400
- In Person: Go to the UW Extension Office at the ARLC, see Rose
- Guidelines & Procedures
- Vendors categories include: fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, baked goods, plants (if you wish to sell other
products please send an email to rjones@natronacounty-wy.gov prior to registration for approval)
- Master Gardener volunteers will be on site by 6:00am for sign in and to be directed to your location for setup
- Bathrooms are located inside the ARLC building. Entrance door is on the West side of the building near the
Information Booth.
- Arrive early to setup for your space prior to public opening at 7:30am.
- Vendors provide their own tables & tents. Be mindful of the wind.
- Vendors may drive into your location, unload product and setup your booth. Prior to public opening, please park
your vehicle in the public parking area.
- Cars may be parked in your selling space only if feasible.
- A trailer with a car will be charged as two booth spaces.
- Vendors need to clean their space when they leave.
- A garbage bin is available for use on site.
- Non-aggressive dogs allowed on secure leashes of 6' or less.
- Owners of aggressive acting dogs will be asked to leave the premises.
- The Master Gardeners Farmers Market committee chairs reserve the right to admit or decline admittance of
- Several wagons to help customers bring purchases to their vehicles will be available on site.
- Customer map of vendor/produce/product locations will be availabe online and printed at the market.
Our volunteers are looking forward to this year's Farmers Market, hoping for a safe, enjoyable, and profitable season for all involved. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mark Hoffman (307) 321-1483
Megan Wilde (307) 259-9578
Natrona County Master Gardeners 2024 Farmers Market Co-Chairs